Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A good one!

If you like to laugh you gotta gotta check out this website.

It totally had me in wits and I ended up spending hours checking it out.

The one on the right is my favorite pick from the site ;D --------->>

Friday, December 18, 2009

The freshest warm funny straight-from-the-oven Jinuism

Comedy is what happens to you when you're least expecting it. And Jinuisms, according to the tradition, come unannounced. When you are unguarded, in a serious mode. It happened today, when we were chatting on GTalk (You see, we have left no stones unturned when it comes to testing all forms of communication to constantly be in touch). Plus we don't have any other work. ;D

Anyway, this time it goes like this. We've been boy bashing for some time now (Apologies to the only two male readers of my blog ;D) and telling each other how we deserve much better (Thank god for vanity!). Just when I was cribbing how I've been the wrong guy magnet for ever now and that I don't think I'll find someone right ever, she said it! And the usual happened. I was in fits.

Here it is, Uncanned and Uncensored.

jinup: arey i am telling u
u r a solid package man*
12:13 PM u r intelligent, smart, humorous, witty and guess what u r hot also! :D
and ambitious..!*
ppl think they'll get max 2 things from this
but u r a bloddy package man*
12:14 PM and i wont let someone exhange a mac book for a bloody desktop
me: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
another jinuism

* Note - None of the adjectives issued by the individual JinuP above are true, they have just been quoted for sake of demonstration of love.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why wink?!?

Of a lot of stupid things that men do, winking stumps me the most. I mean...there's some winking that is done as a form of eve teasing. But no! This is not eve teasing. Have you ever noticed your guy friends greet you with a wink? Have you ever seen a colleague pass by and winking at you instead of waving or saying hullo?

And then what do you do? Wink back?!? Or slap? Or say...aye nayansukh, harkatein mat kar!

I've joined this new company and surprisingly everytime I come accross this one colleague of mine..he winks at me?!? :| Grrrrrrr

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The magic is gone ;D

It had been too long...and it felt great to get one of those again. I call them Jinuisms. For people who think I'm funny, wait until you meet her, my best friend. For the uninitiated, Jinuisms are these little snippets of monologue (read: explosions of laughter gas) that leave you gasping for air in between fits of laughter everytime she rattles them off.

Just the other day when i was reminding her of the time my ex actually complained about the fact that the 'magic is gone' and how she and I cracked up on it (Yeah, I know I'm a bitch), she says...

"The day I heard that, I knew it wasn't going to last with that guy. There's only that much magic that a woman can create with two boobs and one brain!!"

Biatch! ;D

She did it. Again. I was ROFL.

...and isn't it ironic?

"...Traffic Jams when you're already late, a no smoking sign on your cigarette break. It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is knife. It's like meeting the man of my dreams, and meeting his beautiful wife... "

That's right. Met the man of my dreams...and his beautiful fiance. Have known him since childhood when his issues were 'how to pataofy a girl' to 'how to cross the 50% mark in the next exam.' I used to be his fat friend whom his hot girlfriends used to look down upon wondering why he hangs out with me.

Used to help him spot babes in malls and share my notes with him. (Not that I was geeky or any better than him in studies...well only slightly). Used to be the first one to know about his 30 day stints and the girls he used to think he'll settle down with.

Met him after 4 years when he's back to India for his engagement to a beautiful girl. He now talks about world economy, sufi music, stable relationships, global warming and all impressive stuff. Had the most amazing time and conversation in two days. Felt the most comfortable in a long time.

Hmmm....filmy, very filmy.

Note: All characters in this post are fictitious bearing no resemblance to any person living or dead (Well, maybe only slightly)

...and isn't it ironic? :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monday night madness!

I'm high. Yes, I'm high as I write this. It's my space. Not like...'MySpace' but my space. Battling the viruses on my flatmate's laptop, I'm complaining! I wanna hit God. That stupid thing that's called God. Go on, you freaks. come on and hit me, you lunatics. The ones who consider themselves the curators of God. Anyway, back to business. I'm no more jobless!

Today was my first day at work! And what do I hear? "What desserts would you like for Saturday?" "What's going to be the menu for Valentine's Day?"

It's such a refreshing change after 'traffic targets' and 'target registrations', all that mediocrity',' a stupid stupid website'


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The quirks of singledom :|

One of the weirdest things about being single is that you no longer find those ‘sweet nothings’ sweet. Those little acts of love seem annoying especially when someone else is doing it. Just the other day, I went out for dinner with a couple who couldn’t get enough of each other. And OMG! It was suffocating. I mean, why call me? Yeah, I know, I know, all you lovely couples hate me already. To make it worse, they would often look for morsels in each other’s mouths. Atleast that’s what I prefer to think they were doing. Wait. Now what? You obviously think that I’m this old-haggardly-whiney-thankless single woman. No!!?! Gosh... there I go two steps closer to my quarter life crisis. Ugh!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I’m back to the place I call home. It’s a deluge of experiences, my parent’s house. Relatives, neighbours, friends who I grew up with, and most of all, time with parents. I have grown up and so have my parents. My dad has joined Facebook and my mum complains about knee aches. That’s what is new. ;D

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Laugh it off!

I'm back to the city I'm in love with...Bangalore. After the luxury of home in Delhi and almost a luxury vacation in Mumbai, I'm back to beautiful breeze and rain drenched lanes of Bangalore. I must say it's the most beautiful city to settle in. Anyway, this one's a special dedication to a very witty blog of a friend. He really has the gift of the comic gab. Everytime I visit his blog, I can't help but crack up. So, check it out.

Here goes...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The benefits of staying away from home.

  • The experience of changing a light bulb. Yourself.
  • The experience of going to the electricity board, paying the bill yourself and regaining your bijli connection. Usually, at home, the driver, odd jobs boy, or daddy's office peon would do that.
  • The habit of listening to your conscience more than your parents. Their decision might coincide almost all the time but then that's the freedom that you enjoy.
  • The experience of experiencing your joys, your grievances on your own. Sharing them with people YOU want to.
  • The suckiness of kneading the dough to make roti and then the ultimate joy of sitting down and hogging all of it realizing how well you cook.
  • The freedom to sleep at 8:00pm in the evening if you want to.
  • The freedom to take anybody home (your house) or throw anybody out ;D
  • The realization of right and wrong. On your own. And then the joy of kicking away what's wrong even if it's verrrrrrrrry tempting.
  • The freedom of going out at 12 in the night and not being hollered by your dad to find out when you're gonna come back.
  • The freedom of sitting down at 9 AM in the morning typing all this when you know you should be rushing to work instead, and not being harrangued by your parents saying 'It's time! You gotta rushhh'
  • Escaping the feeling of helplessness after witnessing your parent's health deteriorate by the day. (This one sucks but don't hate me for this.)
  • The experience of friends. Real friends. and very sucky roommates too sometimes.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Now, I've seen it ALL!

Yes, quite literally. This is it! There was a time when I thought seeing Mallu porn was it, then there was a time when I thought eating curd rice with manchurian was it. Then there was yet another time when I thought watching disusting videos on YouTube was it and then yet another time when I thought doing aerobics to a Tamil song was it. But no! Today, I crossed all those barriers. This is IT. Fortunately/Unfortunately (All you Cranberry fans out there, please close your ears) I danced to 'Zombie' today in my aerobics class! Eow! No! No! Don't stone me. It wasn't my fault.

It was the instructor.

I mean whatever he was thinking, I'm sure he would never know that right there in that dance hall at that moment, he created history....

Monday, September 28, 2009

Zoe, Indira Nagar

Ok, after a long time, this is one place that needs a special mention on my blog. Today, after a long time, with much reluctance, we went to Zoe Restolounge Indira Nagar. Although the approach to the place isn't great, the food is surprisingly awesome! If you wanna try some good mediterranean cuisine, try this one out. My personal recommendation would be the 'Combo Meal'. I tried the vegetarian one and that was real nice.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


There are friends and then there are ‘Super’ friends. I don’t like to call them best friends. Coz that looks more like a title than the love it should communicate. Can’t forget the scene yesterday, my super-friend was emotional for something I should’ve been. Hehe…I was cool and she was sad that I was going through that.

A few things I’m proud I can do with my ‘Super-Friends’(Your bucket list might differ though)

• Call them at two in the night and abuse :D
• Drink till I drop
• Do the lesbian dance with them and still not feel icky about it (Don’t judge me on this)
• HUUUUUUUUUUGGGG tight! (It’s a need, people)
• Get them drenched on holi (EVERY SINGLE TIME)
• Cry for nonsensical issues :D
• Talk about our teenage adventures without judging each other (devilish smile)
• Bitch endlessly about people and then feel guilty about it.
• Laugh, laugh, laugh at public places till people around think that we’ve gone mad.
• Make big promising plans with people and then give them goli and sneak out together.

The list goes on and on and I hope it does in the future too. (Yikes! Sounds too formal) Anyway…love yaaa my friends and friendeees.

It's a tough one....

Hell Yeah! You can either fight for it or fight to get out of it. Such is this thing called ‘Relationship.’ No matter how much you love the other person, when it comes to big words like ‘Marriage,’ love takes a back seat and other important/less important things take the forefront. Stuff like education, religion, parents, career aspirations, location preferences, choices, honesty/dishonesty, kids etc. etc. etc.
There are some things you know that you will never get and there are some things that you know you’ll get if you try a little hard. When your relationship is rocky, you know that you want to try every way to get through the difficulty but then other things come in the way that make you think twice. At that point, what do you do? Go for the guy/girl, coz you love him to bits or don’t go for them coz you know that religion/attitude/career etc. etc. issues are never gonna get sorted out. You try hard, harder, hardest until you come to a point where you don’t want to try any more. It’s like your gut says ‘NO’ and your heart says ‘Hell, yeah!’

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Letter to Daddy

Hi papa. I’m sitting next to the window at the dining table in my house far far away from you and ma. Eating a brown bread sandwich for breakfast. I’m having something called breakfast after ages. Don’t remember the last time I ate a hearty one. As I eat and look out of the window, I can’t help but whimper a bit. I miss you. I remember the time you used to run after me right from my bed up to the bus stop to make me eat breakfast while I used to be rushing for school. How I used to HATE it! Now...How I wish you’d run after me like that now to feed me food.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The element of risk

I love these things. Random...It's a sudden rush of excitement and then...just then..I have to do it! That is how I got my eyebrow piercing and this new haircut! I had long tresses and can count the hair on my head.Surprisingly, contradictory to what I had thought, I feel great!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Just a smile...

Just came accross this amazing illustration today. What a irony. If only we could pay to have a permanent smile on our face, even in the face of adversity or in front of people we don't like.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Laptop open FAST! I need to write. Need to express. Need to squeeze that second of emotion that I felt onto this LCD screen. I just talked to her. She’s getting married. My friend. MY friend. She’s getting married. My peer! I mean at this stage I can’t even think of getting married and she says she wants to get married. She wants to get done with it and start her new life. Man! Am I missing something? Am I missing an important stage in life? Will it be too late when I start feeling something like this? Or am I already feeling it but somehow covering it..suppressing it , hushing it under my ambitions?

Is it the word I’m scared of ? Am I looking at marriage like that giant roller coaster you see at amusement parks and you know that’s gonna cause a lot of trouble to your bowels. You know it’s going to be fun at the end but just going towards it makes you shit bricks. Anyway, I’m digressing. The main point here is…it feels like I’m losing her. One of my very close friends, one of the gang of friends that I used to swear by. As I was talking to her, I had just started enjoying the fact that I was getting back in touch and that she was still the same I met at college (I needed that feeling), she tells me she’ll have to disconnect. Her fiancé is calling. She needs to talk to him.

Where are the days when we would do anything and everything together? Where are the days when we would yell back at our parents because they used to stop us from talking to the same friend again on phone after we had spent the entire day together? Now, as people get married, friends become social circle, little acts of friendship become sweet memories, unmarried friends will be looked down upon because ‘they don’t know what married life is like.’

Anyway, I’ve seen that earlier, and I’ve seen people like me feel the same way about their friends getting married. It feels miserable. Or I’m just getting too emotional here. Maybe that’s how really reluctant people get married too. They see their friends get married and there comes a stage when they feel too lonely. Ok people, don’t laugh. It’s just the ‘OMG- my-friend’s-getting-married’ nervousness.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wisdom hurts!

Dayum it does! Whoever said we needed a wisdom tooth? It doesn't come out till you've lived half your life and whenever it grows, it throws tantrums. I'm exasperated...distressed...maybe I need a dog bone coz sometimes it hurts and other times it itches. I'm not even able to think straight. So you bloody wisdom tooth, I've got two words for you and they are 'Grow up!'

Monday, June 1, 2009

What if companies honestly advertised what they were trying to sell?

At the cost of plagiarism...take a look! :D (Due credit to the person who created these. I didn't!)

New blog...

Ok, the blog fever's catching on with me. I've created a new blog called 'Managerial Mumbo Jumbo.' It's all about my experiences as a newbie manager. I'm learning so many new things everyday, and I gotta write it all down. Read and feel free to share your thoughts too!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hyderabad Woes

Yeah, that's right. I'm sick of it now. I wonder how I stayed in that city for three years. No offence here to anyone, it's just personal opinion. But seriously I've seen the safety levels dip to abysmal lows in the past three years that I was in Hyderabad. I was back in Hyderabad last weekend and I realized why I hated it so much. Some reasons:

- The stares: Trust me, those wretched eyes of a lot of men on the roads in Hyd go straight from your face to your chest. (It feels sick!)

- The verbal abuses: It's strange how they take to verbal abuse as a form of eve teasing. I remember going home late one night when a gang of guys started calling me a bitch and laughed out loud after that. (Wonder how they found it funny.)

- Anything can happen: This time it was a limit! I'm sitting in an auto thinking I'm safe when a group of guys pass by. I get to hear the usual comments (darling, sexy...etc. etc.and it's not flattering!) and one of them actually musters up the courage to extend his hand into the auto and reach out for my face! I was shocked.

- Spit on the pants: Most people disagree with me but I've faced this three times! All the time while walking on Banjara Hills Road no. 1, near City Center. Some random biker would come and spit pan on our pants! At first, I thought it was an accident but it's too much of a coincidence to face it three times. I tried to find out the reason for this from some Hyderabadi locals. Apparently, there is some telugu B-grade movie in which the villain does this act. And some fuckers think it's cool to do it in reality!

- Crazy following: I used to ride a scooty when I was there. Lately, it had become difficult to go out on the scooty after eight. Random guys in cars would follow you until your house!

Some of you would find these extreme opinions but I'm outraged! It's becoming increasingly difficult to stay in Hyderabad especially if you're a north Indian. The city would be far from becoming an IT hub if this continued.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thanks for the love!

Never got a chance to thank my followers and the ones who read my posts carefully and comment. Thank you guys! And Mania! Thought I'd send you a message or a comment but couldn't find a way to get to your blog. Nevertheless, thanks for the follow :)

Turning 24...

Ok people, I've turned 24. Which means i'm one step closer to the quarter life crisis. Didn't get time to write this on my birthday but like it's the in-thing, i was thinking about the 24 years that passed. I still remember the proud and ecstatic me when I had turned 4. I would promptly tell my age with my name when people asked me for...well..just my name. :) What an achievement it was to get one more year added to your age. It was like a lakh added to your salary. Umm..ok, that's an overestimation. So without wasting much time, here are 24 things that I find funny about myself.

1. My fat. :|
2. The fact that I go blank when I see a lot of numbers.
3. Ok, finally making it public. I'm scared of people in the finance sector (Because they seem to know a lot of Math.)
4. The name 'Obama' makes me think of an overfried 'aaloo tikki' (patty for the ones who don't know hindi)
5. The way I assure people that I know something when I don't know shit about it.
6. The way I run on the treadmill. (Lips pursed tight, no exhalation)
7. The way my face get twitched when I sing (Looks quite like 'ooooooooooohhhhHuzoooorrr'...Himesh Reshamiya)
8. As a two year old I used to threaten people (old and young alike) that I'll claw them with my nails.
9. I called one of my neighbors a witch on her face. (She used to be very generous with make up on her face, so I couldn't help but tell her the truth) Hehe
10. The way I got drunk and fell on the dance floor three times in Firangi Paani one day :D
11. Phew!! That's it for now. Will keep updating it as soon as I recall more things.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

I echo...

That's what I feel as I read this...

Long Distance

I have a long distance relationship! And, man it sucks! Yes, with my parents. The only disadvantage about Bengaluru is that I'm so far away from home. Just can't hop over to meet Ma, have a good cuppa tea, chat with Dad, or attend a friend's engagement :(. Wonder whether this is all worth it. I'm sorry Anda. It's really a pity that I won't be there. And sorry Mum and Dad that I couldn't be there to celebrate my birthday with you. I still love you all. (Ma, Daddy, Anda, Chadhu, Mehta):)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The importance of a hug

Someone once called me a hug master. Well, not that I really am but after reading an article on the importance of hugs, I think I'm close.

The opening lines say "We need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 hugs a day for maintenance and 12 hugs a day for growth" I couldn't agree more. And they also have a full one page theory on how to hug. Wow! I think I've found my calling. I want to be a 'hug therapist'!

Anyway, here's the technique, with full credit to the writer:


Hugging may sound like the simplest thing on earth, but it will help to keep a few things in mind. Non-hugs are no good. In his book Caring, Feeling, Touching, Dr Sidney Simon describes five non-hugs:
I. The A-frame hug, in which nothing but the huggers' heads touch.
2. The half-hug, where the huggers' upper bodies touch—while the other half twists away.
3. The chest-to-chest burp, in which the huggers pat each other on the back, defusing the physical contact by treating each other like infants being burped.
4. The wallet-rub, in which two people stand side-by-side and touch hips.
5. The jock-twirl, in which the hugger, who is stronger or bigger, lifts the other person off the ground and twirls him.

The real thing, the full body hug, touches all the bases. Dr Simon describes it like this: "The two people coming together take time to really look at each other. There is no evasion or ignoring that they are about to hug... You try as hard as you can to personalize and customize each hug you give... With a full body hug there is a sense of complete giving and fearless. Communication, one uncomplicated by words.

"It is the attitude that is important," says Vikas Malkani. "It need not be a full, frontal hug. It could be sideways. Generally, hug only friends and people you know."

"Many people do not like their personal space to be invaded. Still others may feel too vulnerable at times to like to be touched," warns Dr Bhagat.

The stereotype of men being less demonstrative than women in their love and affection is by and large true. "But men are more open to hugging after a few drinks at parties," says Pommi Malhotra. From her experience she says that even the tough ones respond to hugging.

Many people feel embarrassed or uncomfortable when hugged, but Malkani's advice is to still go at it because they are bound to feel good afterwards and may even feel grateful to you. When you feel the need to be hugged, ask for one. Any place is good enough for hugging: home, office, school, church, a party, a conference. You may, however, feel uncomfortable hugging, for example, at work. In that case, prefer a more intimate environment, such as at home with friends or at a party.

Bengaluru Babe

So here I am...everything set. Bags unpacked, house...check, workplace...check, indira nagar...check. Just bought some books...'Fragrance of Osho (I'm a big fan), Laws of Manu (The laws set by the first man on earth according to Hindus or something like that), All things wise and wonderful (written by a vet in Ireland..well i got sold by the cover). Sitting at home and taking in the fragrance of Osho. Saturday evenings were never so peaceful. I love it! Who says you need to party on a saturday. A nice cup of ginger tea, my balcony and a book in hand is all you need.

I love Bengaluru already.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Tragedy strikes on an idle Tuesday when you're least expecting it. So true! On an idle Sunday, as I was rejoicing my increased capacity for sleep and dragging myself out of the bed, I saw it. A red dot at the tip of my nose. It was dormant yet prominent. I couldn't believe my skin. I got a boil! Right at the tip of my nose!! I mean I know I'm not supposed to behave like a teenager but what the hell! Today, it's been a week and it refuses to go; feels like a headlight! Am I being too girlie? vain? thrifty? cranky? Hell Yeah! Tragedy does strange things to you. Come on girls, I need support, sympathy and loads of soframycin!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Taliban vows to take over Pak

I can feel goose pimples all over as I read this. "Taliban on Monday vowed to capture Pakistan if the democratic leadership does not alter its stand on North Atlantic Treaty Organisation" As an Indian citizen, it's not just some news to amuse, it's an outright alarm, a note of suicide. The Pakistani government has recognized Taliban rule in the Swat Valley region in exchange for a temporary cease-fire and they're not far away from the Indo-Pak border. It might sound silly but the thought of myself and my peers in burqas getting no form of entertainment or education whatsoever and being denied basic human rights doesn't seem unreal anymore. It could happen tomorrow, day after or next week. The most disturbing is the complacency of the Indian Army. The Indian Army Vice Chief Lt Gen Noble Thamburaj is of the view that it is not a "direct threat" to India. Yeah right! The ruthless rats blew our cities to pieces and we couldn't do anything and you still have the balls to say that extremist forces like Taliban are not a direct threat to India?

Our neighboring country is breathing fear of being taken over completely by Taliban and we can still afford to sit in peace. What if Taliban has already established it's presence in India?

Seeing the public protests and peace marches in the recent past by Indian people, I'm confident that the public of India is capable of coming together in a state of emergency. We just need to wake up and realize the threat before it's too late. Otherwise, we may not 'live' to regret.

Friday, February 27, 2009

And I'm freeee...

Ok, so in case you were wondering why I was dormant for so long, here's the answer. I've been in training for a month now and today finally!! I"m freeeee!!! I'm someone who never liked school. Can you imagine putting me through a month of that time again? Variety of trainers, heavy information download, classroom jokes(the better part) and the killer...Homework!!! Eww. And what's the key takeaway? An extensive research in the field of the behavior of the organism that exists in the four walls of a classroom/training room and is usually found in the forefront. Yes, the Trainer! Here are my keen observations:

- The I'm-too-stylish-for-you trainer: I usually carry my extra dose of concentration pills for her class coz I'm sure to get distracted with her accent, flowing hair, shiny/silly clothes, nail paint, shoes, earrings, or cleavage.

- The let-me-sing-for-you trainer: This one's called singy-songy. An aspiring singer caught in the wrong profession. Someone told her lessons could be sung and she took it a little too seriously. ;D

- The Shatabdi Express: This one probably wanted to be an F1 racer. The one who loves to go full speed and the brightest student shall be he who can catch up. Doesn't matter how many are left behind.

- The I-don't-know-but-I-can-get-back trainer: That's their typical line and it gets you thinking whether they're actually a trainer. I mean isn't it convenient to promise to get back to us with a solution and never do? I'm sure my fellow colleagues would relate to this line. ;d

- The d-r-r-r-a-a-a-b-b-b bore: This one dresses up so terribly that it distracts you. You itch to fix that broken button, iron the shirt, hide the glaring undershirt and comb their hair. Ok, I'm not a control freak but this one will give a big moral boost to your dressing sense.

This might sound mean but it was struggling to come out. Phew!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

The pink chaddi campaign...

Do you remember the mangalore incident? Were you outraged and wanna do something about it? Well, I'm gonna do this.
Show some love to the Sri Ram Sene. Send them the Pink Chaddi this Valentine's Day. Do it NOW!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Proud to be an Indian?

We're a country of fools. We've grown up to believe someone else, to follow someone else and to blame someone else. We're a country that follows a particular religion because our family has been following it even if it doesn't work for us. A country where priests actually tell people to follow rules of religion to live their lives. Isn't religion supposed to be something that leads you to God? Then how can we forget that and use religion to dictate people's everyday living? Someone said 'India is anything but a spiritual nation, infact a highly materialistic one. Because all the religious rituals ceremonies and sermons are actually conducted to achieve something in the material world. Very True! We exist in extremes, may it be Christianity, Hinduism or Islam. We follow people like Raj Thackeray without even applying our minds and thinking how it's going to affect our world. And this is the most ironic, we excel in blaming other people. It's a very common site to see someone saying 'City roads are so bad. The govt. is not doing anything.' Someone should ask him, "Dude, since how many years have you been evading taxes?' 'Politics is a dirty game. All the politicians are fake'..'Okay! How bout getting into politics yourself and cleaning up the mess? or even going out and casting a vote??'

I guess it's one of those moments where I'm not feeling very proud to be an Indian.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Turning into vegetables...

So this is the mood of the day. Incedibly beautiful..this poem.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The good ol' times that we're having right now...

Yeah, that was the sign I saw at TGI's Friday yesterday. It was something more than that, but I liked this part the most. It truly reflects the time I'm having right now. So many ol' friends that I had lost touch with, are cropping up from nowhere..thanks to Facebook!

Here are some of them I found recently:

- Apaar - Cute guy from tuition class in 10th grade. One of those mischievious guys that every girl sorta finds cute but is too shy to admit. Well, that was the case with the girls in my tuition, I know it. Let's see how he looks now.

- Dhruv aka Sunny: My childhood friend. The 'Chris Griffin' of our times. :D Two things I remember distinctly, his style of running and the boisterous laughter. All in all, a very good friend.

Mahiti: Friend from work. Ex-Googler. Nice girl :)

Oh yeah, it's the week of ol' friends and I've decided I'm gonna make an effort to find long lost friends online. Heil Facebook!!!