Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Turning into vegetables...

So this is the mood of the day. Incedibly beautiful..this poem.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The good ol' times that we're having right now...

Yeah, that was the sign I saw at TGI's Friday yesterday. It was something more than that, but I liked this part the most. It truly reflects the time I'm having right now. So many ol' friends that I had lost touch with, are cropping up from nowhere..thanks to Facebook!

Here are some of them I found recently:

- Apaar - Cute guy from tuition class in 10th grade. One of those mischievious guys that every girl sorta finds cute but is too shy to admit. Well, that was the case with the girls in my tuition, I know it. Let's see how he looks now.

- Dhruv aka Sunny: My childhood friend. The 'Chris Griffin' of our times. :D Two things I remember distinctly, his style of running and the boisterous laughter. All in all, a very good friend.

Mahiti: Friend from work. Ex-Googler. Nice girl :)

Oh yeah, it's the week of ol' friends and I've decided I'm gonna make an effort to find long lost friends online. Heil Facebook!!!