Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The quirks of singledom :|

One of the weirdest things about being single is that you no longer find those ‘sweet nothings’ sweet. Those little acts of love seem annoying especially when someone else is doing it. Just the other day, I went out for dinner with a couple who couldn’t get enough of each other. And OMG! It was suffocating. I mean, why call me? Yeah, I know, I know, all you lovely couples hate me already. To make it worse, they would often look for morsels in each other’s mouths. Atleast that’s what I prefer to think they were doing. Wait. Now what? You obviously think that I’m this old-haggardly-whiney-thankless single woman. No!!?! Gosh... there I go two steps closer to my quarter life crisis. Ugh!


Jaideep Sobti said...
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