Friday, December 18, 2009

The freshest warm funny straight-from-the-oven Jinuism

Comedy is what happens to you when you're least expecting it. And Jinuisms, according to the tradition, come unannounced. When you are unguarded, in a serious mode. It happened today, when we were chatting on GTalk (You see, we have left no stones unturned when it comes to testing all forms of communication to constantly be in touch). Plus we don't have any other work. ;D

Anyway, this time it goes like this. We've been boy bashing for some time now (Apologies to the only two male readers of my blog ;D) and telling each other how we deserve much better (Thank god for vanity!). Just when I was cribbing how I've been the wrong guy magnet for ever now and that I don't think I'll find someone right ever, she said it! And the usual happened. I was in fits.

Here it is, Uncanned and Uncensored.

jinup: arey i am telling u
u r a solid package man*
12:13 PM u r intelligent, smart, humorous, witty and guess what u r hot also! :D
and ambitious..!*
ppl think they'll get max 2 things from this
but u r a bloddy package man*
12:14 PM and i wont let someone exhange a mac book for a bloody desktop
me: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
another jinuism

* Note - None of the adjectives issued by the individual JinuP above are true, they have just been quoted for sake of demonstration of love.


Jaideep Sobti said...
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Unknown said...

Da Jinuisms.. :p

I didn't know that side of her. Hmmm!!

You go package girl

S said...

Dude! She just gets better and better :D