Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I wish alliteration was a crime

Ok, so don't go on the literal meaning of the word. Read on and you'll know what I mean. These are some of the words I'm hearing a lot these days. Ugh!!!!

1. Get the buy-in. (If repetition was really a crime, someone would've gotten a death sentence by now)
2. Innovation (My ears are fried hearing this word over n over n over n over......)
3. Restructure (In the 'voila' tone with hands moving around)
4. Idea Generation
5. What skills do you bring to the table (Heard so many times that I actually visualize a table when i hear it.)
6. Reactive vs. Proactive (Did you mean radioactive?)
7. Revenue (Who??)
8. So what changes (Ghanta!)
9. Support (No! Dont' say that. It hurts)

If any of the B-School grads reading this... Is there like a B-School vocabulary bible that you're supposed to revise and use everyday?!??

Ok, don't get offended. I have nothing against mgmt grads. I'm just a lil over-bheja-fried.