Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A good one!

If you like to laugh you gotta gotta check out this website.

It totally had me in wits and I ended up spending hours checking it out.

The one on the right is my favorite pick from the site ;D --------->>

Friday, December 18, 2009

The freshest warm funny straight-from-the-oven Jinuism

Comedy is what happens to you when you're least expecting it. And Jinuisms, according to the tradition, come unannounced. When you are unguarded, in a serious mode. It happened today, when we were chatting on GTalk (You see, we have left no stones unturned when it comes to testing all forms of communication to constantly be in touch). Plus we don't have any other work. ;D

Anyway, this time it goes like this. We've been boy bashing for some time now (Apologies to the only two male readers of my blog ;D) and telling each other how we deserve much better (Thank god for vanity!). Just when I was cribbing how I've been the wrong guy magnet for ever now and that I don't think I'll find someone right ever, she said it! And the usual happened. I was in fits.

Here it is, Uncanned and Uncensored.

jinup: arey i am telling u
u r a solid package man*
12:13 PM u r intelligent, smart, humorous, witty and guess what u r hot also! :D
and ambitious..!*
ppl think they'll get max 2 things from this
but u r a bloddy package man*
12:14 PM and i wont let someone exhange a mac book for a bloody desktop
me: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
another jinuism

* Note - None of the adjectives issued by the individual JinuP above are true, they have just been quoted for sake of demonstration of love.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why wink?!?

Of a lot of stupid things that men do, winking stumps me the most. I mean...there's some winking that is done as a form of eve teasing. But no! This is not eve teasing. Have you ever noticed your guy friends greet you with a wink? Have you ever seen a colleague pass by and winking at you instead of waving or saying hullo?

And then what do you do? Wink back?!? Or slap? Or say...aye nayansukh, harkatein mat kar!

I've joined this new company and surprisingly everytime I come accross this one colleague of mine..he winks at me?!? :| Grrrrrrr

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The magic is gone ;D

It had been too long...and it felt great to get one of those again. I call them Jinuisms. For people who think I'm funny, wait until you meet her, my best friend. For the uninitiated, Jinuisms are these little snippets of monologue (read: explosions of laughter gas) that leave you gasping for air in between fits of laughter everytime she rattles them off.

Just the other day when i was reminding her of the time my ex actually complained about the fact that the 'magic is gone' and how she and I cracked up on it (Yeah, I know I'm a bitch), she says...

"The day I heard that, I knew it wasn't going to last with that guy. There's only that much magic that a woman can create with two boobs and one brain!!"

Biatch! ;D

She did it. Again. I was ROFL.

...and isn't it ironic?

"...Traffic Jams when you're already late, a no smoking sign on your cigarette break. It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is knife. It's like meeting the man of my dreams, and meeting his beautiful wife... "

That's right. Met the man of my dreams...and his beautiful fiance. Have known him since childhood when his issues were 'how to pataofy a girl' to 'how to cross the 50% mark in the next exam.' I used to be his fat friend whom his hot girlfriends used to look down upon wondering why he hangs out with me.

Used to help him spot babes in malls and share my notes with him. (Not that I was geeky or any better than him in studies...well only slightly). Used to be the first one to know about his 30 day stints and the girls he used to think he'll settle down with.

Met him after 4 years when he's back to India for his engagement to a beautiful girl. He now talks about world economy, sufi music, stable relationships, global warming and all impressive stuff. Had the most amazing time and conversation in two days. Felt the most comfortable in a long time.

Hmmm....filmy, very filmy.

Note: All characters in this post are fictitious bearing no resemblance to any person living or dead (Well, maybe only slightly)

...and isn't it ironic? :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monday night madness!

I'm high. Yes, I'm high as I write this. It's my space. Not like...'MySpace' but my space. Battling the viruses on my flatmate's laptop, I'm complaining! I wanna hit God. That stupid thing that's called God. Go on, you freaks. come on and hit me, you lunatics. The ones who consider themselves the curators of God. Anyway, back to business. I'm no more jobless!

Today was my first day at work! And what do I hear? "What desserts would you like for Saturday?" "What's going to be the menu for Valentine's Day?"

It's such a refreshing change after 'traffic targets' and 'target registrations', all that mediocrity',' a stupid stupid website'
