I love these things. Random...It's a sudden rush of excitement and then...just then..I have to do it! That is how I got my eyebrow piercing and this time...my new haircut! I had long tresses and now..you can count the hair on my head.Surprisingly, contradictory to what I had thought, I feel great!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The element of risk
Posted by justfeltlike at 9:35 PM 3 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Just a smile...
Just came accross this amazing illustration today. What a irony. If only we could pay to have a permanent smile on our face, even in the face of adversity or in front of people we don't like.
Posted by justfeltlike at 11:19 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Laptop open FAST! I need to write. Need to express. Need to squeeze that second of emotion that I felt onto this LCD screen. I just talked to her. She’s getting married. My friend. MY friend. She’s getting married. My peer! I mean at this stage I can’t even think of getting married and she says she wants to get married. She wants to get done with it and start her new life. Man! Am I missing something? Am I missing an important stage in life? Will it be too late when I start feeling something like this? Or am I already feeling it but somehow covering it..suppressing it , hushing it under my ambitions?
Is it the word I’m scared of ? Am I looking at marriage like that giant roller coaster you see at amusement parks and you know that’s gonna cause a lot of trouble to your bowels. You know it’s going to be fun at the end but just going towards it makes you shit bricks. Anyway, I’m digressing. The main point here is…it feels like I’m losing her. One of my very close friends, one of the gang of friends that I used to swear by. As I was talking to her, I had just started enjoying the fact that I was getting back in touch and that she was still the same I met at college (I needed that feeling), she tells me she’ll have to disconnect. Her fiancé is calling. She needs to talk to him.
Where are the days when we would do anything and everything together? Where are the days when we would yell back at our parents because they used to stop us from talking to the same friend again on phone after we had spent the entire day together? Now, as people get married, friends become social circle, little acts of friendship become sweet memories, unmarried friends will be looked down upon because ‘they don’t know what married life is like.’
Anyway, I’ve seen that earlier, and I’ve seen people like me feel the same way about their friends getting married. It feels miserable. Or I’m just getting too emotional here. Maybe that’s how really reluctant people get married too. They see their friends get married and there comes a stage when they feel too lonely. Ok people, don’t laugh. It’s just the ‘OMG- my-friend’s-getting-married’ nervousness.
Posted by justfeltlike at 7:19 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Wisdom hurts!
Dayum it does! Whoever said we needed a wisdom tooth? It doesn't come out till you've lived half your life and whenever it grows, it throws tantrums. I'm exasperated...distressed...maybe I need a dog bone coz sometimes it hurts and other times it itches. I'm not even able to think straight. So you bloody wisdom tooth, I've got two words for you and they are 'Grow up!'
Posted by justfeltlike at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: pain, wisdom tooth
Monday, June 1, 2009
What if companies honestly advertised what they were trying to sell?
Posted by justfeltlike at 12:53 AM 1 comments
New blog...
Ok, the blog fever's catching on with me. I've created a new blog called 'Managerial Mumbo Jumbo.' It's all about my experiences as a newbie manager. I'm learning so many new things everyday, and I gotta write it all down. Read and feel free to share your thoughts too!
Posted by justfeltlike at 12:44 AM 0 comments